Monday, January 02, 2006

Fun with kicking butt!

So, it is a New Year, and I love my job. Well mostly, everyone has complaints, and inter-office issues, or in our case personality conflicts within the team. Enough of the negative though, being a Super-Person rocks. I love beating the bad guy. Last night while out on patrol, I stopped 3 muggings, stopped a bar-fight with LC's help (LC was at a bar, surprise surprise), and I defeated Hu Flung Pu, the Ninja Chimp. Talk about a great way to start the New Year! I've been doing really well with my New Year's resolution also, it is to focus on the positives in my life instead of dwelling on Wonderbread's death, and other negatives in my life. GO ME, and GO A.S.S.!


At 7:45 AM, January 05, 2006, Blogger oppy00 said...

New positivity training response = "Absolutely, I'd be pleased to bring you some coughdrops on my way home from work. Is there anything else I can get you, maybe some NyQuil, or Vaporub."

I'm definately not going to apply the Vaporub, though, not unless the Slut is sick too


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