Monday, November 28, 2005

HMO isn't what I thought it was

So, after doing some in depth investigating, with some assistance from Mofo and The Slut (hey road-head counts as assisance, it sure made the drive to the library go by more quickly) I have discovered that my HMO is not a health care provider. HMO actually stands for Hellacious Malevolent Obstetrician! This bastard with the help of Dr. Doo-Doo and Captain Compensation (the former hero who lost half his penis while battling Nubby No-Nuts and the Mutant Mutilator) put together an evil organization which merged the Meniacal Medical Ministers, and the Insidious Insurers. There is no telling what harm this super-evil team will reek upon innocent people, unfortunately they have a legal business liscence. DAMN!!! What can we do? I can't just take LC, and SK with me and bust up their offices, cause the last thing we need is another run in with the cops (you'd think they would be less strict on enforcing public drunkeness on a guy whose super-powers require him to be blind drunk). This situation may require A.S.S. to team up with G.A.Y.S (Gay AttorneY Squad). I am a bit wary of having G.A.Y.S. around my A.S.S. though.


At 6:07 AM, November 28, 2005, Blogger Liquid Courage said...

Geez Louise. You have the worst rogues gallery ever.

Even The Slut's collection of Anti-Abortion Annie, The Hookers of 25th Street, Sgt. Boinkin of the 'Boro PD, The Reverend, and The Slut's Mom and Dad are scarier.

Esp, the Hookers of 25th Street. They're ugly and mean. You should look them up. Maybe it'll relax you a little.


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