Thursday, August 03, 2006


Ok, I'm taking another hiatus. This one will be short, I hope. Although this one is potentially more depressing than the last.

So, I moved back to my parents house. It sucks, but Mom heard about my Super-villainy, and pitched a fit. She is suprisingly strong for a small fifty-something year old. Maybe super-genes are passed down by the mother.

So, as punishment, and to keep an eye on me, my parents made me move back home, and they are making me do chores. I told them I'm a Big Boy, and that I'm a super-hero, and I can take care of myself. Nothin' doin. Maybe the worst thing is that they won't let me use my powers. Dad says doing things by hand "builds character". I say it builds blisters. Mom will break into random weeping fits ocassionally and she keeps repeating "where did I go wrong?"

Damn, this is depressing. I became a Super-hero to fight crime, be honored, and to get out of my parents house. The only upside is all the free food. It's nice to have Mom's cooking again.

Oh, and by the way, Thanks to LC,SK, and the Rev for helping me move some things.

Hey, I'm coming back soon, so don't make my room a Rumpus Room.


At 7:12 AM, August 07, 2006, Blogger Liquid Courage said...

Too late!

Since SK and I had to move all our rumpus stuff outta Mofo's room again, we just moved it right into your old room. Hell, even Mofo put one of those Bozo the Clown punching bags in there. It's funny 'cause it has a picture of Marius taped to the face.

Oh, and it totally wasn't me who broke into your storage unit to get the waffle iron out. It was a criminal.

At 1:56 PM, August 08, 2006, Blogger oppy00 said...

Dammit, now how will I make waffles!?!?!

At 2:40 PM, August 08, 2006, Blogger Liquid Courage said...

No idea. Take it up with the criminals. But you can have some of my square, grooved pancakes if you want them.


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