Sunday, July 16, 2006

Quick Update

Well it seems that Mofo is all talk. Which I should of already known. He keeps threatening to send me to see Good Guy Bob, but he hasn't. I think he's a little scared of me. He thinks I'm unstable or something (which I may be, but come on!!!).

So, been doing patrols. It is nice to be back on the good side. Oh, and it seems the news of burning hobos, spread throughout the seedy underbelly of Statesboro. Aparently the bad guys think I was enforcing vagrancy laws. Maybe too strictly, but damn! So patrolling is a lot easier than it used to be, cause the petty punks just shit themselves and beg for mercy. One guy who I saw loitering, crapped himself then ran all the way to the police station with his draws full of dookie. He turned himself in for loitering.

So that is the good news.

Now the not so good.

I was battling the Fecalator, and got grazed by his Dia-ray. So I've been battling a nasty case of diarrhea all day.

You know I understand we aren't the 'Premier' super-team on the planet, but I wish that we could fight slightly less gross villains. Just once could we fight someone who just wants to rule the world, that doesn't involve unpleasant bodily functions, or slimey toads, or monkey-dogs, or some other bizare and gross creature? Although the monkey-dogs were kinda cool. Except that they liked to play fetch with their own poo.


At 6:32 AM, July 17, 2006, Blogger Liquid Courage said...

Damn it! You beat me to the monkey-dogs! I plan on writing up some sort of dissertation or somethin scientific about our discovery.

At 9:15 PM, July 17, 2006, Blogger oppy00 said...

Monkey-dogs are fun!


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