Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Gotta figure this out!

OK, I've said this before, "I'm not the best detective." I mean I'm not stupid or anything like that. It's just that compared to some other heroes, like The Slueth, Tracker Dan, Odor Guy (bad name, but except that the Guy can find and follow any odor, he ain't the quickest wit. Brilliant sense of smell, though), or even Mofo, I miss some of the little things that implicate one villain instead of another. Alright, now that that is out of the way, I may need a little help on this one. The phantom of Wonderbread I saw the other night wasn't a hallucination. I know this cause I took a trip to see Martha the Mindreader. She was able to access my subcontious and other mental mumbo-jumbo, but she was able to tell me that what ever I saw was really there, or was a hologram, at the very least. Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is...

Well, what I really want to say is that, umm...


I need help, to solve this one.


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