Saturday, December 31, 2005

My new super-suit

OK, so this is for my fans, and anybody else who might care. I have changed my super-suit, since my hiatus. I figured if I was going to start over, I should start over completely. Here are some pictures of my new super-suit, this way you will be able to identify me as one of the good guys, or at least the newest A.S.S. For those who have been following my saga, I'll try to get some pictures of The Bartender, but no promises. Hope you like the action shot.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Last night was fun, Kinda. but not really.

So, I'm gradually being accepted more and more by my new teammates (not sure if that is a good thing, though). So, last night Shit Kicker wanted to perform a SheetiKa ritual, so I said I'd help out, and since the ritual was being held at a bar Liquid Courage came as well. Well, I'm not really sure what the ritual was, but it involved SK, and LC having a drinking contest. SK said something about a test of strength, after about 4hours of trying to out drink LC. Well that is when things started going badly. Shit Kicker ordered some crazy SheetiKa drink, and he asked me to use my powers to light it on fire, after which he quickly quaffed this strange potion. SK then proceded to do some crazy dance thing, and of course LC tried to join in. Well just imagine two big, strong, damn-near invincible, and INCREDIBLY DRUNK Super-Heroes flailing, gyrating, and for all intensive purposes flinging their bodies about a crowded bar. Yeah, things didn't go too well. Tables, chairs, patrons, and god knows what else start getting hurled through the air, which wasn't a very comfortable situation. Then SK orders some more of those SheetiKa potions for him and LC. This is where it really hits the fan. While continuing the tribal 'dance' SK and LC try to drink these flaming beverages. Well you may have guessed it, but one of these potions spilled, and went up like a damn molitov cocktail. Panic and huge flames ensued. I think I pulled seven or eight patrons from the flames, while trying to drag the incoherant form of SK from the bar (I think LC went looking for pretzels or something, he was pretty 'powered-up' so I wasn't worried). Let me explain something about my powers, I can only control flames I create, so if you start a fire I'm pretty much useless, unless you want more fire. Despite this I was able to do some quick thinking and I started some fires around the edges of the building, which kept the uncontrolled fire from spreading to other buildings, well that and the timely apperance of the fire department. So, LC emerges, unharmed, and finds SK, who had apparently concluded his ritual, and they decide they want burritos, and they stagger away from the scene singing a SheetiKa celebration song. I tried to catch them so they could help the fire department, but as I went to catch them, num-nuts the 'super' cop grabs my arm, and starts blaming me for the fire. This shithead recognized my from the old days, and knew about my little hiatus. So he's yelling and trying to put me in handcuffs saying I was some kind of unstable pyromaniac. JUST CAUSE I HAVE FLAME POWERS DOESN'T MEAN I'M A PYROMANIAC!!! Well num-nuts won't let it go, even after a dozen people tell him how I was rescueing people from the flames. This dousche-bag insists on taking me to the station, so I go, cause I'm a good citizen. Well I'll abbrevate the rest of my night by saying that body-cavity searches ain't any fun, and thank God old friends from the volunteer Fire Deptartment. I didn't get back to A.S.S. headquarters until about 8 this morning, but all in all the beginning of the night was fun.